Dog Training

Let's find the best choice for your dog (and your schedule)!

We offer the most flexible dog training classes and programs in the greater La Crosse area.

Dogs must be at least 12 weeks old and have their first series of shots INCLUDING RABIES and Bordetella vaccinations.

Not sure what class or program you need? Email us!

Group Training Classes
(You + Your Dog + Our Trainers)

Training classes led by one of our trainers where you work on training with your dog in a small group setting. All group training classes are held on Saturdays.


SEE class descriptions & TIMES BELOW.

Obedience Classes

All obedience training classes are held on Saturdays and each class lasts 45 minutes. Each class is limited to 6 dogs for Obedience Classes.

Reactive Dog Classes

Does your dog lunge or bark at other dogs or people? Do you walk your dog early in the morning or late at night to avoid other dogs and people? If so, our Reactive Dog Class is designed for you. In this class, we teach you and your dog how to cope with scary/startling situations. All Reactive Dog training classes are held on Saturdays.

Training Programs
(Our Trainers + Your Dog)

Designed for intensive training with our trainers working with your dog. Skills commonly taught include basic obedience commands like sit, stay, heel, and off (no jumping); minor behavior modifications like barking and play biting; and major behavior modifications* like dealing with dog aggression, leash aggression, counter surfing, separation anxiety, resource guarding, and more.

*Major behavior modification training is only available within our Board and Train program.

Dogs must be at least 12 weeks old and have their first series of shots INCLUDING RABIES and Bordetella vaccinations.

Dog School

In our 12-week Dog School, your dog will come  for training 2 days per week (Tues/ Thurs or Wed/Friday) for at least 8 hours/day within our Dog School hours of 6:30am – 6:30pm (early/late dropoff/pickup times can be requested to fit your schedule). Homework is given in the form of videos on our private Facebook group for you to learn and replicate.

Stay and Train

In our 3-week Stay and Train program, your dog will spend Monday through Friday (including overnights) at Fun Fur Pets for training and play time and go home with you on weekends. We need your participation on the weekends to reinforce your dog’s new skills, so homework is given in the form of videos on our training Facebook page for you to learn and replicate. 

Day Training

In our 4-week Day Training program, your dog will come to Fun Fur Pets for training with our trainers each weekday (Monday through Friday) from at least 8:00am until 5:00pm and goes home with you each weeknightHomework is given in the form of videos on our training Facebook page for you to learn and replicate.

Board and Train

In our 3-week Board and Train program, your dog will spend the full 3 weeks (including overnights) at Fun Fur Pets with our instructors and staff for training, playing, and lots of love and affection and go home with you at the end of the 3 weeksHomework is given in the form of videos on our training Facebook page for you to learn and replicate.

Group Training Class Descriptions

Obedience Classes


SEE class descriptions & TIMES BELOW.

All group training classes are held on Saturdays and each class lasts 45 minutes. Each class is limited to 4 dogs for Reactive Dog classes and 6 dogs for Obedience Classes. Obedience Classes are offered in different steps referred to as levels training. There are 2 levels offered (Levels 1 & 2 are a combined class). Move from Level 1 to Level 2 at your own pace; as soon as you and your dog meet the requirements for the next level, you can move up. Classes are offered on a rolling enrollment basis. 

Dogs must be at least 12 weeks old and have their first series of shots INCLUDING RABIES and Bordetella vaccinations.

*For all classes, please PARK ON 14TH STREET to the West of our building and then walk along THE BACK OF OUR BUILDING by the gravel area until you get to the paved area and turn left to walk up the ramp. NO PARKING IS ALLOWED IN THE LOT BEHIND OUR BUILDING.*

Families Welcome

We welcome children and entire families in all of our classes. In fact, we encourage it. It is best for the dog, family, and the other dogs in the class to be exposed to as many people as possible.

How many dogs are in class?

We limit the number of dogs in obedience classes to a maximum of 6 dogs per class so that everyone has plenty of space and attention from the instructor.

Level 1 - Basic Commands (Note: Levels 1 & 2 are combined in one class)

held saturdays at 9am & 11am

Level 1 introduces the basic commands sit, down, stationary attention, four on the floor, and the name game. We’ll also work on problem behaviors such as jumping, play-biting, and house training. All dogs (even with prior training) must start in Level 1.
Requirements to move to Level 2: Dog can sit on command, respond to its name with mild distractions, and keep all four paws on the floor when greeted by an instructor.

Level 2 - Manners Training (Note: Levels 1 & 2 are combined in one class)

held saturdays at 9am & 11am

We work on walking politely on a loose leash without pulling, paying attention to the owner while walking, and ignoring other dogs. We also begin working on come and stay. Level 2 includes problem-solving information for behaviors such as barking, digging, chewing, etc.

How to Register

To register: (1) complete our Training Enrollment form, (2) watch our Online Orientation, and (3) reserve your place in class.

Reactive Dog Classes


SEE class descriptions & TIMES BELOW.

Does your dog lunge or bark at other dogs or people? Do you walk your dog early in the morning or late at night to avoid other dogs and people? If so, our Reactive Dog Class is designed for you. In this class, we teach you and your dog how to cope with scary/startling situations.

Dogs must be at least 12 weeks old and have their first series of shots INCLUDING RABIES and Bordetella vaccinations.

*For all classes, please PARK ON 14TH STREET to the West of our building and then walk along THE BACK OF OUR BUILDING by the gravel area until you get to the paved area and turn left to walk up the ramp. NO PARKING IS ALLOWED IN THE LOT BEHIND OUR BUILDING.*

reactive dog class

held saturdays at 8am & 10am

How many dogs are in class?

We limit the number of dogs in the class to a maximum of 4 dogs. This allows you to learn how to manage situations with other dogs and people as well as teach your dog skills to cope and gain confidence so they aren’t as reactive.

The room is set up with visual barriers to give each dog and handler plenty of space and privacy to help ensure success. Watch a video of our Reactive Dog Class setup.

What do I need to bring to class?

  • Collar – You are welcome to use any collar or harness you are comfortable using and gives you confidence and control. We may suggest a different collar or harness once we have observed you and your dog. We have several options available for trial and purchase.
  • Leash – Bring a standard leash that is easy for you to hold and no longer than 6 ft. We do not allow retractable leashes in any of our classes. We also have long leashes and wall tethers available if you are concerned about your dog getting away from you. We also have belts available for you to wear and attach your dog to the belt so you can have both hands available for commands and exercises.
  • Treats – Treats must be SOFT and either no larger than a pea (or you are able to break into smaller pieces). We almost always have string cheese and hot dogs available to supplement your treats. In about 90% of the cases with reactive dogs, regular dog treats are NOT high enough value. We usually recommend starting with cheese, hot dogs, or jerky. Then you can start mixing regular treats into the cheese/hot dogs after a few classes or a few weeks. Then eventually you might be able to go very few cheese/hot dogs and more regular. High-value treats or toys if the dog is not treat motivated are the ONLY thing that is going to overpower a reaction to a dog or person for a reactive dog.

Tools and Commands Used in Class

  • The “Find It” command is the first technique that we teach in class.
  • The “Look” command is used to focus a dog’s attention on their owner. You can start practicing this at home. Watch a video about the Look command.
  • The “Place” command is another important technique. We use Place to give the dog a break and a safe place to relax. This is also a command you should start teaching at home. Watch a video about the Place command.
  • Baskerville muzzles are available if needed. Some dogs are so fearful they might snap at or bite another dog or person. In those cases, we encourage a muzzle for everyone’s protection including the fearful dog. We exclusively recommend the Baskerville muzzle because it is much safer for everyone than a mesh dog muzzle. Baskervilles allow the dog to pant, drink, and take treats. (Mesh muzzles the dog cannot pant or drink and they can still pinch/bite.) We have a supply of Baskerville muzzles if you would like assistance in fitting and introducing it to your dog. Watch a video about muzzles.

Testimonial from a Reactive Dog Graduate

“Reactive Dog Class was intense for me and Stella but we survived. The first thing Pam taught me was to breathe…and she was right. Next came my confidence that I was in charge and what was appropriate to expect from Stella. We (Stella and I) started seeing progress. After 10 classes Pam felt Stella was ready to try a new level. I was not so sure. She was patient and let me stay in that class until I was ready. Tonight I celebrate Stella’s 2nd level 3 class with 3 other dogs when Pam took Stella to the other side of the room and stated ‘when I drop her leash, I want you to call her to you.’ My heart skipped a few beats and I remembered to breathe and called her. Even with the other dogs in the room she came to me when called 3 TIMES.”

– Janette and Stella Mae Monster

How to Register

To register: (1) complete our Training Enrollment form, (2) watch our Online Orientation, and (3) reserve your place in class.

Not sure which training class or program you need?

Group Training Class pricing & packages

10 Classes


15 Classes


20 Classes


Individual Class


Training Program Descriptions

Our training programs are designed for intensive training with our trainers working with your dog. Skills commonly taught include basic obedience commands like sit, stay, heel, and off (no jumping); minor behavior modifications like barking and play biting; and major behavior modifications* like dealing with dog aggression, leash aggression, counter surfing, separation anxiety, resource guarding, and more.

*Major behavior modification training is only available within our Board and Train program.

Dogs must be at least 12 weeks old and have their first series of shots INCLUDING RABIES and Bordetella vaccinations.

Dog School

In our 12-week Dog School, your dog will come to Fun Fur Pets for training 2 days per week (Tues/Thurs or Wed/Fri) for at least 8 hours/day within our Dog School hours of 6:30am – 6:30pm (early/late dropoff/pickup times can be requested to fit your schedule). Homework is given in the form of videos on our private Facebook group for you to learn and replicate.

Dog School at Fun Fur Pets is an affordable way to train your dog and/or supplement the training that you’re doing at home!

Dog School requires a 3-month commitment (2 days/week for 12 weeks) for training at Fun Fur Pets.

You can choose your Dog School days for Tuesdays & Thursdays OR Wednesdays & Fridays.

Dog School hours are 6:30am–6:30pm*, and your dog should attend for at least 8 hours on your chosen two days per week (Tues/Thurs or Wed/Fri) to receive the full benefit of Dog School and truly make an impact on your dog’s behavior.

*Dogs can be dropped off earlier or later if needed to fit into your schedule! Simply request to make these arrangements and your dog can relax in a suite as needed outside of Dog School hours (but still within Fun Fur Pets’ standard dog daycare hours).

There will be a maximum of 14 dogs per day at Dog School, and there are always at least 2 trainers working with the dogs, so you know your dog will be getting the individual care and training he or she needs!

Fees are charged weekly at $94.00/week + tax, so your dog’s entire 3-month program is $1128.00 + tax.

*For Dog School, please PARK ON 14TH STREET to the West of our building and then walk along THE BACK OF OUR BUILDING by the gravel area until you get to the paved area and turn left to walk up the ramp. NO PARKING IS ALLOWED IN THE LOT BEHIND OUR BUILDING.*

A typical Day at Dog School

Dogs will go right from dropoff into a suite until Dog School begins and then will be fed his or her breakfast (which you must provide) using a canine enrichment toy.

At approximately 8am, your dog will enjoy some dog-on-dog playtime in groups of 5 or less indoors or outside (contingent on weather). If your dog is not group-appropriate, he or she will play one-on-one with a trainer (such as using a flirt pole with a toy).

Other activities throughout the day will include treadmill time, agility work, and scent games. There will be breaks for your dog to return to his or her suite between play times to ensure no one gets overstimulated.

Skills covered in Dog School can include: sit, stay, no jumping, loose leash walking, dog reactivity, noises and phobias, come when called, reinforcing dog name, and muzzle training (if required for your dog’s vet, groomer, etc.).

We incorporate training into all our activities at Dog School, so there’s no specific number of hours of training because there’s training in everything we do.

Enrollment in Dog School

  • All dogs MUST be current on DHLPP, Rabies, and Bordetella vaccinations.
  • Dogs must be at least 16 weeks old.
  • Parents should bring your dog’s breakfast to be eaten at Dog School (and lunch and dinner if needed to eat during the hours your dog will be at Dog School).

How to Register

New clients can enroll here. Existing clients can log in here.


Dog School


Per Week
(12-week program)

Stay and Train

In our 3-week Stay and Train program, your dog will spend Monday through Friday (including overnights) at Fun Fur Pets for training and play time and go home with you on weekends. We need your participation on the weekends to reinforce your dog’s new skills, so homework is given in the form of videos on our training Facebook page for you to learn and replicate. We also provide a 1-hour go-home training session at the end of the 3-week program to review the skills your dog has learned during the training program.

Dogs must be at least 12 weeks old and have their first series of shots INCLUDING RABIES and Bordetella vaccinations.

Stay and Train Program Options

Our On-Leash Basic Obedience training is meant to teach life skills for both social situations and at home. We will instill loose leash, polite walking, sit and down, stay, come, leave it, place, and easy (getting the pup to take his/her energy down a notch), getting out of the car appropriately, and behaving with distractions.  We will work with your pup to determine which collar, harness, and leash works best for his/her energy level and your comfort level in working them.

Our On-Leash Basic Obedience/Minor Behavior Modification training includes all of the skills listed in On-Leash Basic Obedience but for your pup to utilize those skills off leash. This requires the trainers to build your pup up in confidence and bonding so that your pup is engaged in the learning process. We will find your dog’s motivator and utilize that to help the pup gain confidence in performing these skills off leash. Minor behavior modifications would be leash reaction, play biting on humans, excessive barking, or nervousness.

How to Register

To register, complete our Training Enrollment form. You’ll receive a confirmation email and we’ll begin with evaluating your dog and enrolling your dog in the program that best fits your dog’s needs. Please note:

  • Our programs require waivers and contracts to be signed and half of the training cost paid as a non-refundable deposit to reserve your pup’s drop-off date.
  • The first half payment must be paid by the time of drop off.
  • The balance (second half) payment must be paid at pickup (prior to receiving your go-home training).
  • Fun Fur Pets accepts cash, check, credit cards, and PayPal credit for payments.


Stay and Train:

Basic Obedience


(3-week program)

Stay and Train:

Off-leash basic obedience/minor behavior modification


(3-week program)

Day Training

In our 4-week Day Training program, your dog will come to Fun Fur Pets for training with our trainers each weekday (Monday through Friday) from at least 8:00am until 5:00pm and goes home with you each weeknight. Homework is given in the form of videos on our training Facebook page for you to learn and replicate. We also provide a 1-hour go-home training session at the end of the 3-week program to review the skills your dog has learned during the training program. This program takes longer to complete because the trainers will have limited access to your dog since your dog will not be staying at Fun Fur Pets. In our Day Training program, your dog will work on basic obedience and life skills and will have some limited play time. 

Dogs must be at least 12 weeks old and have their first series of shots INCLUDING RABIES and Bordetella vaccinations.

Day Training Program Options

Our On-Leash Basic Obedience training is meant to teach life skills for both social situations and at home. We will instill loose leash, polite walking, sit and down, stay, come, leave it, place, and easy (getting the pup to take his/her energy down a notch), getting out of the car appropriately, and behaving with distractions.  We will work with your pup to determine which collar, harness, and leash works best for his/her energy level and your comfort level in working them.

Our On-Leash Basic Obedience/Minor Behavior Modification training includes all of the skills listed in On-Leash Basic Obedience but for your pup to utilize those skills off leash. This requires the trainers to build your pup up in confidence and bonding so that your pup is engaged in the learning process. We will find your dog’s motivator and utilize that to help the pup gain confidence in performing these skills off leash. Minor behavior modifications would be leash reaction, play biting on humans, excessive barking, or nervousness.

How to Register

To register, complete our Training Enrollment form. You’ll receive a confirmation email and we’ll begin with evaluating your dog and enrolling your dog in the program that best fits your dog’s needs. Please note:

  • Our programs require waivers and contracts to be signed and half of the training cost paid as a non-refundable deposit to reserve your pup’s drop-off date.
  • The first half payment must be paid by the time of drop off.
  • The balance (second half) payment must be paid at pickup (prior to receiving your go-home training).
  • Fun Fur Pets accepts cash, check, credit cards, and PayPal credit for payments.


Day Training:

Basic Obedience


(4-week program)

Day Training:

Off-Leash Basic Obedience/Minor behavior modification


(4-week program)

Board and Train

With our Board and Train program, your dog will stay at Fun Fur Pets for a full 3 weeks, working on basic obedience, life skills, and/or any behavior modifications. Your dog will have plenty of playtime along with training time to ensure bonding time with our trainers. Depending on the dog’s needs, we will choose appropriate accommodations and ensure that your dog receives lots of love and affection during the stay.

Dogs must be at least 12 weeks old and have their first series of shots INCLUDING RABIES and Bordetella vaccinations.

Board and Train Program Options

Our On-Leash Basic Obedience training is meant to teach life skills for both social situations and at home. We will instill loose leash, polite walking, sit and down, stay, come, leave it, place, and easy (getting the pup to take his/her energy down a notch), getting out of the car appropriately, and behaving with distractions.  We will work with your pup to determine which collar, harness, and leash works best for his/her energy level and your comfort level in working them.

Our On-Leash Basic Obedience/Minor Behavior Modification training includes all of the skills listed in On-Leash Basic Obedience but for your pup to utilize those skills off leash. This requires the trainers to build your pup up in confidence and bonding so that your pup is engaged in the learning process. We will find your dog’s motivator and utilize that to help the pup gain confidence in performing these skills off leash. Minor behavior modifications would be leash reaction, play biting on humans, excessive barking, or nervousness.

Our Major Behavior Modification/Life Skills training includes the Basic Obedience training with life skills of eliminating counter surfing, garbage digging, bolting out the door, or other behavior modification training. To best work with your dog on modifying behavior problems, our trainers will spend significant time to determine the cause of these behavior problems so they can best work through that issue and correct the behavior. There will be lots of play and mental games involved in this training to ensure that your dog has a positive experience during behavior improvement time at Fun Fur Pets.

How to Register

To register, complete our Training Enrollment form. You’ll receive a confirmation email and we’ll begin with evaluating your dog and enrolling your dog in the program that best fits your dog’s needs. Please note:

  • Our programs require waivers and contracts to be signed and half of the training cost paid as a non-refundable deposit to reserve your pup’s drop-off date.
  • The first half payment must be paid by the time of drop off.
  • The balance (second half) payment must be paid at pickup (prior to receiving your go-home training).
  • Fun Fur Pets accepts cash, check, credit cards, and PayPal credit for payments.


Board and Train:

Basic Obedience


(3-week program)

Board and Train:

Off-Leash Basic Obedience/Minor behavior modification


(3-week program)

Board and Train:

Major Behavior Modification/
Life Skills


(3-week program)

Training Program pricing

Dog School


Per Week
(12-week program)

Stay and Train:

Basic Obedience


(3-week program)

Stay and Train:

Off-leash basic obedience/minor behavior modification


(3-week program)

Day Training:

Basic Obedience


(4-week program)

Day Training:

Off-Leash Basic Obedience/Minor behavior modification


(4-week program)

Board and Train:

Basic Obedience


(3-week program)

Board and Train:

Off-Leash Basic Obedience/Minor behavior modification


(3-week program)

Board and Train:

Major Behavior Modification/
Life Skills


(3-week program)


Eve Molzhon is a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, the International Association of Canine Professionals, the International Boarding & Pet Services Association, and the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants.

Have questions? Call us at 608.622.7387